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Choosing an Asbestos Contractor Series: 12 Things to Look For

Choosing an asbestos contractor may feel overwhelming, so we have put together a four-part series of 12 important things we think you should look for when hiring an asbestos contractor.  This series will be broken into three points per post to make the information easy to digest and help you focus on a few things at a time during your search.

1. Your Contractor Should Be Licensed By WorkSafeBC

As of January 1, 2024 all contractors who perform asbestos abatement work must hold a valid Asbestos Abatement License with WorkSafeBC. Any contractor operating without an Asbestos Abatement License is not operating legally, and would likely be putting you and your family’s health at risk. A reliable contractor will be willing to share their certificate with their license number on it with you. We recommend verifying their license is valid online via the Asbestos Abatement Licence Registry , which will show their company name, license number, and status. For more information on how to sort, filter, and use the Asbestos Abatement Licence Registry, click this link.  

2. All Workers Hold Valid WorkSafeBC Level 2 Certificates

All workers who perform asbestos abatement work in BC must hold a valid Level 2 Asbestos Safety Certificate. These changes came into effect on January 1, 2024 to keep workers aware and safe from the dangers of asbestos. Each certified worker holds a wallet card that is issued to them directly by WorkSafeBC. While workers complete their training at training centers, the only valid certificate allowing workers to perform abatement work is issued by WorkSafeBC following the successful pass of their exam. Any other certificates from training centres are no longer deemed valid. 

A reliable contractor will be willing to share their employees certificates upon request to verify that they only employ certified workers for asbestos abatement. 

3. Your Contractor Should Be In Good Standing With WorkSafeBC

Ask the contractor to prove that they are in good standing with WorkSafeBC by requesting a clearance letter before and after they provide their services.  To be considered “in good standing,” the contractor must be registered with WorkSafeBC and be paying their premiums.  If a contractor is not in good standing or unwilling to provide a clearance letter, you as a homeowner could be held liable and potentially lose your possessions in a situation where a WorkSafeBC Officer finds health and safety protocols are not followed. 

When requesting a clearance letter, the contractor will require some information from you to provide the clearance letter provided from the WorkSafeBC website including your name, mailing address, phone number and email address.  (The information required may differ based on if you are an individual or a business requesting the letter.)

By Andrea Macdonald April 18, 2024
By definition, asbestos is a heat-resistant fibrous silicate mineral that can be woven into fabrics, and is used in fire-resistant and insulating materials such as brake linings. In english, it is an insulator with great fire protection properties that is resistant to chemical erosion. What are the risks? Asbestos isn’t hazardous until it is disturbed, often from renovations or demolitions. Breathing exposed asbestos fibres can cause cancer and other diseases including, asbestois, mesthelima and lung cancer. Does my home contain asbestos? If your house was built between 1950 – 1990, it is likely that there is some form of asbestos. It is often hard to tell because asbestos was mixed with with many other materials. Before doing any renovations you must have your drywall tested for asbestos. HERE is a link to asbestos testing facilities. Common uses for asbestos: Insulation Linoleum Floor tiles Drywall Cement board and tiles Textured decorative coatings Cement pipers Please click on the following link to see which materials may be asbestos containing: Asbestos Hazards for Homeowners What do I do if my home contains asbestos? If your home contains asbestos and you’re looking to do renovation, call us, we specialize in Asbestos Abatement and can safely remove and dispose of all contaminated materials. Find more information on how we can help HERE .
By Andrea Macdonald April 18, 2024
With the real estate market rebounding, we have seen a lot of people moving into their new homes and investing in renovations. Some of the renovations might come with a little surprise, especially if the homes are 1990 or older. There is a high chance that some of the materials in your home might contain asbestos . If you decide to do any upgrades to your home, approach the renovation with caution and please take into consideration the following:
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