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Hello everyone, my name’s Terra and I’m the Team Lead of the Drywall Removal division at Ethical Waste Services. Raven, our office admin (who normally writes all of these blogs) asked me some great questions about myself. She asked me who my biggest influences are, my goals for the next year, some of my favorite pieces of advice and finally what keeps me motivated during my most pressing times.
I’d say someone I really look up to is Annie Clark or more commonly known as St. Vincent. I just wish I could harvest her creative and wild antics. She’s an insane guitar player and her albums are so different from each other. Which is something I don’t think people realize is extremely hard to do. Creativity is a powerful thing and I’d love to channel hers!
Something I really want to do in the next year, that I’ve never done before is tour the States with my band. We had everything booked for last May and then the world got shut down with the emergence of Covid-19. I haven’t traveled that much so seeing the States in its entirety would be really exciting for me.
Something that’s always stuck with me, and I think actually really helps me when I’m dealing with things that stress me out, whether it’s a big financial decision I have to make or even something to do with school is that I always try to hope for the best, but expect the worst.
Honestly, when things get really rough and I’m going through a hard day I just try my best to laugh things off. I’d like to think that I’m very good at turning a situation or even how I feel about somebody being rude to just a ridiculous thing that I can laugh about in my head. So I’d definitely say that humor really gets me through a lot. A laugh can go a long way!
I hope this helps you get to know me a little better and if you ever run into me on a job site, definitely give me a shout and we can talk about Annie Clark’s insane guitar skills! .